
kickoff meeting

Kickoff meeting in Hereford, UK

Vet@Work meeting on 19 – 21.9.2018 The kickoff meeting was held in Hereford, UK in mid September. The meeting lasted for 2½ days and all partners except Medulla participated with 1 or 2 participants. Rosie Boulanger from Hereford & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce and Charlotte Thomas from the University of ...
Project meeting 2 in Nantes

Project meeting 2 in Nantes

6 – 8.2.2019 in Nantes, France communication and skills PM2 focused on communication and skills. During the first day we focused on what we mean with the word communication and how we can establish a common language between VET and work. The current situation has proven that we often use ...
Project meeting 3 in Akureyri

Project meeting 3 in Akureyri

Meeting 3 in Akureyri Iceland 2 -4.10.2019 The 3rd transnational project meeting was hosted by Vermenntaskólinn a Akureyri and Medulla. During the project meeting the project partners were introduced to the education system in Iceland and how VMA collaborates with local companies. We were invited to companies where we were ...
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