Obstacles; difficult to overcome but necessary for progress
Even if you have a clear vision and you can articulate what you want to accomplish, you are still very likely face obstacles when setting up a VET and work collaboration. Don’t let your obstacles prevent you! Look at them as a way to improve the quality of what you are doing and ensuring that students gain the skills they need to be successful in their professional life. Look at obstacles as an opportunity to grow and progress as they force you to think and look at what you do from different angles. Addressing obstacles with an open mind makes you aware of what fears prevent progress and steps to convince there is a value in setting up transparent and genuine collaborations. Involve and include all parties in the process and make them aware of the obstacles you are about to solve. To encourage vocational education providers and/or employers to tackle the obstacles collaboratively you also need to showcase the benefits will have on your organization, vocational education and the skills development of all those involved.
The VET@work team has divided obstacles into 3 main categories: external, internal and habitual obstacles. In this sub-chapter you can learn about what we have viewed as the 5 main obstacles in each of the 3 main categories and suggestions on how to solve them. Remember, you don’t have to solve all the obstacles. Solving just one or two will get the momentum going and those involved will begin looking at obstacles as a way to improve collaboration and the quality of vocational education.
The 3 different types of obstacles you are most likely to encounter when setting up a VET@work collaboration:
Coming together is the beginning
Keeping together is progress
Working together is success
Henry Ford, Industrialist and business magnate