As expected, a transparent collaboration between VET providers and the world of work will have a positive impact on the quality of vocational education and the skills development of teachers, employers, work mentors and most importantly students.
When evaluating the impact this project and the VET@work manual has had and will have in the future on strengthening the commitment we asked ourself the following: 1) Have we managed to get senior managers buy-in and develop a vision for embedding VET@work collaborations into existing strategies and visions; 2) How does our manual support and encourage VET@work collaborations among VET providers and teachers & employers and work mentors and 3) Have we been able to showcase how important it is that VET providers and employers implement policies, procedures and resources that enables and encourages VET@work collaborations.
When it comes to establishing and strengthening existing cooperation, we asked ourselves the following: 1) How does our manual help create ways of implementing effective and transparent communication between employers and VET providers; 2) How can the manual help ensure sustainable and qualitative collaboration that results in a win-win situation and 3) How to help VET providers and employers evaluate their readiness cooperate and set up cooperation that fit their level of experience.
The next thing we focused on was collaboration and asked ourselves if we 1) managed to showcase the importance of integrating a learning program/curriculum that is negotiated, planned and adapted together and that fits the needs of all parties; 2) managed to showcase the importance of making sure that all parties have a common understanding of the learning goals and definitions/terms used in the collaboration and 3) have helped VET providers and employers innovate the way they cooperate, communicate and collaborate and thus raise the quality of VET.
The final focus point was celebration and evaluating how 1) VET@work collaborations help students succeed in achieving short, medium and long term goals in a way that makes the transition from vocational education to the world of work smoother, 2) sharing best practices will result in VET@work ambassadors that will help make VET more attractive and 3) VET@work collaborations will provide students with improved career opportunities and continuous professional development.
The project has resulted in many positive outcomes for those involved in this project and who have had the opportunity to test and implement the best practice cased described in the Methodology-chapter.
Firstly, the transparent and sustainable collaboration has enabled us to generate and test ideas. Some have been more successful than others, but all ideas and tests has helped us grow and become better at communicating, cooperating, collaborating and celebrating. We have learned how to sell the idea of VET@work collaborations and what obstacles we are likely to face. Knowing about what obstacles we are likely to face will help us overcome them and will make us better equipped to deal with potential obstacles.
We are now much more confident in how to approach VET providers and employers. We know how important it is to openly communicate about what we want to achieve and to make sure that we understand the issues and topics we are about to face the same way. We have improved our communication skills and learnt that we have to make an extra effort to make sure that we understand the terms used the same way. Making sure that we speak “the same” language will increase the willingness to collaborate and it will result in more and improved opportunities for collaboration.
One of the most valuable impacts is that VET@work has helped VET providers and teachers to better appreciate the skills and knowledge that exists in the companies. They have become better at evaluating the benefits and the win-win that VET@work collaborations and communicating these benefits to others directly and/or indirectly involved. It has also given employers an insight into VET and a raised appreciation of what happens in VET and the realities that VET is (often) struggling with. The improved understanding and appreciation has helped improve communication and build relationships that are based on trust, respect and understanding. This in turn will have a positive impact on the quality of collaboration and skills development.
We have noticed that as trust and respect grows, so does the feeling of empowerment! Employers, work mentors, teachers and VET providers feel empowered and want to do more, it results into a positive circle that results in better communication and deeper collaboration and cooperation. Employers get to observe a wide range of students and get the opportunity to select those best fitted into their company. To quote one of the employers interviewed during one transnational meeting: “The student might not be the best student, she might not be the strongest student but collaboration will help me see what student is the best fit for me, my employers and my company.” This results in more students getting long term work contracts while still studying and, in many cases, being offered apprenticeships.
VET@work has provided the opportunity to build a shared vision for greater collaboration. It has given us the confidence to take on new ideas and to share these ideas with others (employers, employees, work mentors, VET providers, teachers, students etc). It has allowed us to STOP and REFLECT about the way we work, what we want to achieve and how we can achieve this through VET@work collaboration. It has allowed us to improve our communication, cooperation and collaboration skills and it has showed us how important it is to share and celebrate success stories. It has made aware that even if VET and work collaboration does require resources it will pay you back with interest!
We are also aware that not all the methodologies fit everybody! But if we have managed to encourage and support the implementation of one methodology for VET@work collaboration between one employer and one VET provider, we have had an impact! An impact that will result in further VET@work collaborations.
What impacts can be expected if you set up VET@work collaborations that are described in this manual? Firstly, you will get a greater and deeper appreciation of what the industry of work can offer VET and vice versa. You will see the win-win scenarios and you will be able to strengthen the quality of vocational education and skills development of all parties involved. Students will find education and learning more challenging and rewarding which will make VET an attractive option for learners.
Students will have better opportunities to learn about what is expected of them when entering working life, they will gain and develop skills that will benefit them and the world of work. Teachers understanding of the labor market and the world of work will stay up to date. Their teaching skills will become better equipped for the needs of 21st century and they will become better teachers and mentors for students who are about to enter the world of work
The students will be able to learn from both teachers, employers and employees. They will be able to have a realistic understanding of the world of work and what is expected of them when they are to enter the world of work as employees/employers.
The gap between VET providers and employers will vanish and due to improved collaboration based on transparent communication VET will become more flexible as employer and VET providers work side by side to meet the needs of the student. Curriculums will be developed and implemented together, and cutting-edge industry knowledge will be imparted to the college. More industry specific learning based on existing needs in society will be a possibility and will provide students with the opportunity to learn about most up to date current practice. It will encourage and enable the implementation of a holistic approach to vocational education and improve the reputation of the college and employers. It will also result in improved skilled workforce, happier teachers, students, employees and employers.