

As expected, a transparent collaboration between VET providers and the world of work will have a positive impact on the quality of vocational education and the skills development of teachers, employers, work mentors and most importantly students.


When evaluating the impact this project and the VET@work manual has had and will have in the future on strengthening the commitment we asked ourself the following: 1) Have we managed to get senior managers buy-in and develop a vision for embedding VET@work collaborations into existing strategies and visions; 2) How does our manual support and encourage VET@work collaborations among VET providers and teachers & employers and work mentors and 3) Have we been able to showcase how important it is that VET providers and employers implement policies, procedures and resources that enables and encourages VET@work collaborations.

When it comes to establishing and strengthening existing cooperation, we asked ourselves the following: 1) How does our manual help create ways of implementing effective and transparent communication between employers and VET providers; 2) How can the manual help ensure sustainable and qualitative collaboration that results in a win-win situation and 3) How to help VET providers and employers evaluate their readiness cooperate and set up cooperation that fit their level of experience.

The next thing we focused on was collaboration and asked ourselves if we 1) managed to showcase the importance of integrating a learning program/curriculum that is negotiated, planned and adapted together and that fits the needs of all parties; 2) managed to showcase the importance of making sure that all parties have a common understanding of the learning goals and definitions/terms used in the collaboration and 3) have helped VET providers and employers innovate the way they cooperate, communicate and collaborate and thus raise the quality of VET.

The final focus point was celebration and evaluating how 1) VET@work collaborations help students succeed in achieving short, medium and long term goals in a way that makes the transition from vocational education to the world of work smoother, 2) sharing best practices will result in VET@work ambassadors that will help make VET more attractive and 3) VET@work collaborations will provide students with improved career opportunities and continuous professional development.

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