Methodology 3: Singing from the same hymn sheet


Get buy in! An employer may wish to start a collaboration with a VET provider, especially larger organisations or sectors where there is a need for more skilled workers. In order for a collaboration to be a success you need to get buy in from all key personnel in the employer including senior staff; departmental heads; direct supervisors and team leaders. Check to make sure the lines of communication are clear and that all parties are on board with the collaboration.

cases singing from the same hymn keep talking

Examples of Singing from the same hymn sheet that have been piloted within the project

The idea behind Planning Academies was to get all parties involved in VET (VET providers, teachers, students, work mentors and employers) together to discuss and plan their hopes and wishes regarding the current curricula. The Planning Academies can be organised either at the VET provider’s premises or in one of the employer’s premises.

The aim was to gain a better understanding of each other’s realities and wishes in order to be able to plan and implement an existing curricula.


VET Provider
It is important to involve all staff involved in the teaching of the curricula in this event. Reserve enough time to discuss and write down notes, tips and suggestions. Discuss the event with the employers and introduce them to the idea and aims of the event.  Ask teachers to select a few students to represent the students voice in the event. Make sure that all participants have the agenda, aims and the curricula in good time before the event so that they can prepare themselves.

Employers should collect representatives from their staff that will participate in this event. They should familiarize themselves with the curricula, aims and agenda of the event. They should also be prepared to share obstacles they face and suggestions on how to implement the curricula so that it best fits their needs and timetables.

Students should listen to what other students representing their field have to say about the way VET is being thought and what they feel are the biggest challenges for learning. During the event, selected students will be the voice of all students and bring their views on how VET could be made more qualitative, collaborative and inclusive.


VET Provider
The VET provider introduces the event and aims to those attending the event. Present the exiting curricula and the expectations that the National Agency of Education has on them. After this general introduction the VET provider splits the participants into working groups consisting of representatives of VET providers, teachers, students, work mentors and employers. The discussions are done in roundtables and one of the roundtable members are selected as the secretary making notes and another one to be the groups spokesperson who will present the results of the discussions to the other. Based on the outcomes further plans will be made on forthcoming plan academy meetings and topics that shall be addressed in these meetings. Focus should always be on the curricula and improving the collaboration in a way that strengthens the skills development of the students.

The employer participates in this event together with staff members who are connected with VET and work collaborations. The employers present their realities, needs and wishes during the roundtable sessions and gives suggestions on what kind of pedagogical support they can give to the teachers and students when it comes to implementing the curricula.

The students shares their views and opinions based on their experiences and wishes.

After the event

VET Provider
The VET provider sends an evaluation to the participants of the event and uses the results to improve the future planning academies. The VET providers sends all participants a summary of the learning outcomes and decisions made during the event or send a link to an online platform where all this information can be found. This platform can also be used to plan upcoming events etc.

The employer spreads information about the event and its outcomes to the staff members that could not attend the meeting. The employers and staff that attended the event will fill in the evaluation form sent to them.

The students share the information and knowledge they gained to the other students and fill in the evaluation form sent to them.


We recommend that VET providers and employers select a working group that consists of VET providers, teachers, students, work mentors and employers. This working group’s responsibility should be to create an action plan for how to implement the results of the planning academy, plan future meetings and next steps.

Work based training is often a relationship between the student and their direct line manager. To get buy in for a productive experience, it is important for all employees to understand the importance and value of providing work experience. It must also come from top down.

The aim of the project was to create a learning culture throughout the company that embraces skill development as part of their core values and behaviours.

Preparations before the event

VET Provider
It is important to meet with the employer across different levels of responsibility to ensure that all employees are committed to work experience/ apprenticeship training. An initial meeting with senior staff will discuss the vision and role of training within the organisation. It may also involve HR representatives to gain an insight into the role of professional development and talent management. It also provides an opportunity to clearly discuss the expectations of any placement and identify any potential barriers that might be experienced.

In order to commit to supporting work experience or an apprenticeship, it is important for the employer to gain as much knowledge as possible about what it involves and what you have to do to make it a successful placement. An employer should also make all staff aware of what is intended and the role colleagues will play in supporting the placement.

Students should find out as much as p[possible about the chosen sector and employer organisation. This can be done through internet searches and using local contacts to find out as much as possible about what you have chosen.


VET Provider
At the start of the placement, it is important to have regular contact to ensure the placement gets off to a good start. This involves regular contact to employer and representatives as well as the student.

Ensure that all managers who come into contact with a work experience learner or apprentice understand the expectations of the training and what will be conducted as part of the training. Ensure there is a system in place to help support the learner such as a dedicated mentor who is available.

Students should demonstrate their willingness and commitment to their placement by talking to their mentor if they have any concerns and address these as quickly as possible. Maintain regular contact with the VET Provider to relay how they are feeling with their placement.

After the event

VET Provider
Review the progress made with the training and have regular 3-way meetings where everyone can express how they feel the placement is going.

Ensure that each part of the organisation can provide feedback of how it meets their needs and how effectively the work experience is contributing to the companies objectives. Ensure that the mentor keeps regular contact with the student and the VET Provider. Set time aside to review the placement and any issues arising.

When the placement is over, be sure to feedback any pros and cons to the placement – it will help future placements and be an opportunity to put right any failings.


It is important to make sure that everyone knows of the support required for a work placement and it should be communicated across the organisation so that there is 100% buy in. Linking the placement to company values and succession plans also helps to put it into strategic and operational plans.

The building and construction department in VMA wants to establish a professional council and collaboration for their department with companies in the area. One of the goals are to graduate more skilled workers that are “up to date” in their professional skills and competence.

It is important to educate both in the school and at the workplaces about what is being done. What is the school doing well and what do they need to improve? What does the labour market need and want? Do we need to change the curriculum? Is there some new fabric like for example “cladding” on houses that we need to introduce to our students? Sometimes it is important to get retraining from the companies and technical knowledge. Use everyone’s expertise.


VET Provider
The VET Provider should identify: Who should we invite? Time and place for everyone? What kind of discussion it should be and determine the meeting agenda/ group work or/and workshops.

Find the right people with the right knowledge to participate and provide refreshments.

Be prepared to come along and make constructive comments to the development of the curriculum and gather feedback from other employers who cannot attend.

Select representatives who can clearly express the opinions of all the students.


VET Provider
Have a short introduction on the matters on the agenda. If something needs to be copied, have it ready.

Have different workshops with groupwork for example, what is the school doing well and what needs to be improved? Have a “secretary” in each group to take minutes of the meeting. Make a summary and send to participants.

Make constructive comments to the development of the curriculum and gather feedback from other employers who cannot attend.

Provide balanced opinions of what is going well and what you feel could be improved.

After the event

VET Provider
Establish a professional counsel to determine if the program in the school is suitable for business requirements. Ensure that everyone speaks the same language being it technical or educational so that everyone understands each other’s viewpoint. Circulate the outcome of the meeting and ensure action takes place to demonstrate impact.

Continue to support the collaboration and share the discussion with other employers in your network.

Feedback to your student groups and inform them of the actions that will take place as a consequence.


To establish a professional council and collaboration in the profession companies in the area.  It is important to get retraining from the companies and technical knowledge to be able to change the curriculum, if needed. The main goal is to graduate “up to date” and skilled workers for the future. 

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